India Bible Literature
India Bible Literature was started in the year 1975 by the missionaries Dr. William Scott and Dr. Mrs. Joyce Scott with the prime goal to get the Word of God in every home in India. Their burden was to place the Word in the hands of the people in their own language.
To place the Scripture in every home in India.
To equip the Church leader / grass-root level worker to share the love of God with their own people.
To transform the villages by educating the illiterate adult villagers through the help of the trained teachers / leaders hailing from the same village.
To share the love of God with the children.
To train the village Church leaders and children’s workers through conferences / training programmes.
To print and publish different Bibles and Scripture Materials in various Indian languages to enable people to grow in the Lord.
Our Ministries

Printing and Distribution of Scripture Materials
The primary vision of India Bible Literature is to get God’s Word into the hands of the people. Whole Bibles, New Testament and Gospels are available in 12 major Indian languages

Patashala is a training program that trains and equips the grass-root Church leaders in effective Christian witnessing. IBL partners with organizations and Churches to train their Church leaders for a year.

Adult Literacy
The usefulness of distributing Bibles is limited if people can’t read. In order to facilitate every illiterate attending the church to read the Bible and grow in Christ, Literacy India Trust was started in the year 1984

Children’s Bible School
India Bible Literature has been conducting Children’s Bible School since
1984.We were able to reach 300,000 children every year through C.B.S.

Fasting Prayer Chain Members
Everyday 12 people from various parts of India fast and pray for the various ministries of I.B.L.

Socio-Economic Programme
Sewing machines are provided to the poor or widowed neo-literates who are attending the literacy classes regularly.

Bibles and Book Exhibition
Exhibitions are means to help us place the Scriptures in every home in India.The Bibles and books that are printed by IBL .

Conferences and Seminars
Conferences and Seminars are conducted for our partners, church leaders and children’s workers from all parts of India.